Sometimes I really wish I could still get my hands on a paper copy of the Sunday New York Times. The ritual of holding it, reading it on paper – the fun sections on Saturday with the early edition and more serious sections on Sunday itself. You’d think I’d be over it after 7 years, but sometimes I still crave it desperately. Now there is also that great new Off Duty Saturday section of The Wall Street Journal, something I have never experienced outside of the internet. I know the paper form of journalism is turning into a thing of the past, but call me a luddite if you will, I still love it.
This past weekend was the Design & Living special Style Magazine and it featured the amazing Stockholm apartment of illustrator and artist Mats Gustafson (whose dreamy portfolio is well worth exploring) that I must share. While sunny and warm outside, it’s been a few grey weeks here at Tokyo Jinja, with my post on Megan Morton’s Australian home and my own purchase from the Bunny William’s shops Belgium tag sale on OKL. Add to those this apartment, filled with shades of grey and that wonderful Scandinavian light. You can’t miss the giant Noguchi lamp in this outstanding living room, so it even has a Japanese edge. And do I spy more taxidermy in the window? Just a swan instead of a peacock…goes with the color scheme.
The masses of organic pottery on the mantle remind me that I must get up a post following up on the pottery artists at Mashiko and my visit to Kimiake and Shin-ichi Higuchi‘s rebuilt glass studio.
The illustrator drawer cabinets in the studio could almost be tansu, don’t you think?
Aaaah, this kitchen! New, old, natural wood – what’s not to love…except maybe that stuffed crow? Perhaps people outside of Japan don’t have that same horror/fear/disgust that we do about those black birds!
And for my other glass junkies, look at these formal vases in the window, understated, and not competing with the view.
Check out the whole issue as there are many more articles of interest! And if you click on “View Print Magazine” it is almost as good as holding it in your hands…
Image credits: opening quote and all images from Design & Living 2011 New York Times, photo credit: Magnus Marding, styling credit: Jacob Hertzell.