Katie Ridder using a Muriel Brandolini fabric.
Elizabeth Mayhew using Albert Hadley‘s Reddish Rose by Hinson.
Palmer Weiss using China Seas Banglore Paisley
Meg Braff using Cowtan & Tout‘s Floral Toile.
Windsor Smith using Peter Dunham‘s Samarkand.
Green and white toile with green and white gingham.
Does anyone else think toile is due for a comeback?
Image Credits: 1.via Katie Ridder, 2. via Harlequin, 3. via Lewis and Wood, 4-7. House Beautiful, photo credit: Annie Schlechter, 8. via Palmer Weiss, 9. House Beautiful May 2006 photo credit: Frances Janisch, 10. House Beautiful December 2012, photo credit: Victoria Pearson, 11. House Beautiful, date and credit unknown.