It was porcelain heaven.
It was soba choko heaven.
It was kimono heaven.
It was kokeshi doll heaven. Big…
…and small.
It was tansu heaven. (This is Akariya’s wonderful booth)
It was obi dome heaven.
It was scroll painting heaven.
It was indigo heaven.
The show continues tomorrow and Sunday and is open from 10-5. It is well worth a visit.
Quick Addendum…What I Bought
In response to an email, I wanted to follow up with my purchase (only 1 thing! shocking!) from Heiwajima. Because I was so busy thinking about the blog and taking photos, I didn’t really shop for myself. Also, I made a solemn vow to myself that the beach house I am furnishing back in the USA will not have any Japanese or Asian antiques, so I am not really in the market for much right now. That said, I did buy some beautiful silk ikat kimono pieces with a floral pattern in just that wonderful plum I love. I am thinking it would make some great small cushions. (The color is less bright than it appears in the photo.)
Driving directions for folks in Tokyo: Head out on the Shuto #1 towards Haneda (as if you were going to the Kawasaki Costco). The Heiwajima exit is a few after Shibaura. Take the Heiwajima exit and continue straight for about a mile at most. There will be a left turn sign that says Ryutsu Center. Turn left there. Turn left again into the loading dock area and drive to the end. Turn left at the end and you will see P1 parking ahead on your right. The M3 level sends you straight in and there is a good tonkatsu place for lunch.