We saw lace, thread spools and buttons.
Vintage enamel ware, canisters and luggage.
Printing stamps.
Pewter, grainsack hemp and antlers.
Lace, buttons in a hatbox and ephemera.
White faience (better known as ironstone in English).
Herbiers and boots.
The Alexander Platz booth had more of a German bent and no, that vintage mannequin was NOT for sale!
Botanicals, German candy molds and vintage teddy bears.
There were stacks of French textiles too.
We spied an antique red toile curtain under dishes and some cool accordion sconces. Turns out there were two – making a pair – and the dealer (who lives in Belgium but travels to the French markets regularly) seems to have misplaced a zero on the price. While many of the European antiques can be overpriced, these were an utter bargain. Antique toiles are normally so pricey! In a moment, my friend had reimagined her yet to be purchased Maine cottage to include these as a core of the design plan.
They are trimmed out with the prettiest ruffle and have a charming seersucker lining. I am still wondering if the dealer got his English numbers confused, but he happily took the bills she handed him!
Faded red toile always reminds me of the amazing Penelope Bianchi‘s California bedroom, with its 18th century toile coverlet…
…and ottoman across the room. I really need to add this one to my post on favorite pink bedrooms.
And my own purchases this weekend? Well I scored the mommy mirror to the baby version I found here.
And right before the CWAJ Print Show closed Sunday night I went back for WATANABE Kanako’s amazing print. I had been dreaming about it all weekend which finally meant I had to have it. No idea where it will hang, but the mysterious Alice/Red Riding Hood figure caught me and would not let go!
I am always a sucker for an atmospheric woodcut.
Congratulations on your purchases — love the Alice in Wonderland print!
Love, love, love toile either in red or blue and I am going to incorporate a grey and white version which I purchased whilst in St. Tropez this past Summer, for our bathroom window once renovated! You have me thinking now, somewhere in the attic, in our still packed boxes from Japan, are a pair of red and white toile curtains that I made years ago. The smallest bedroom in our home here is next on the agenda for a make over (plastering etc etc etc) and I might just have to hunt out those curtains. Now see what you’ve done, I have to go into the spider infested attic! I absolutely adore the curtains you picked up at Oedo, my most favourite market in Tokyo. The French/European influence floored me the first time I clapped eyes on the stalls, it transported me back home. I loved my twice monthly jaunts over there and never came away empty handed. I got to know some of the stall holders quite well, especially just after the EQ when we were still around, deep bowing and graciousness shown towards us made me weep on more than one occasion there.
I thought about you a lot Angela this past Sunday. And the curtains are so charming. Toile is ready for a big comeback so go search those curtains out in the attic!!
What fun! Too bad about the dressmaker’s mannequin.
Aw Jacqueline, that’s so nice to hear. I have always had a soft spot for toile and forgot that I had two toile throws and cushions stowed away too! Thinking back, the curtains “in the attic” (I hope), I made about 15 years ago, I made a matching pelmet with contrasting bobble fringing too, but that’s long gone, in fact, I think I made the pelmet into a lampshade at one point!
Thats the best kind of art! If you love it, you will always find a home for it 🙂
That’s why I had to have it! The regret only goes the other direction!
Good Grief! This is the first time I have seen this enormous compliment!!
And how interesting that it comes just days after the lady from Crete found me through your blog! She used my house photographed in Traditional Home as a “guide” for building her home on Crete!
So amazing! and then two days later; I find this reference to my bedroom on your blog! And pictures! Yikes! Lordy!
Yowzers! It is all astonishing to me……and I must say; the very first time I saw your blog……..I signed up for it…..and I knew we were in the same “tribe”!
I have a “best friend” in Washington DC; (she could have been the best decorator in the country) She is my baby’s godmother !! (my baby is now 43 years old!) Her name is Mimi Dorment! Has she found you? I bet she has!
If not;
I will alert her!
Thank you so much for picturing my bedroom and my toile………..is that for sale? (the one you found??) Please put it on “hold” if it is not sold!!
The connection that happened because of you and the lady on Crete will go down in my history as the most wonderful experience of my career!!!!
I hope you received it!
ps please tell me if you did not!
I loved this story and am only sad that it wasn’t actually my blog! I always enjoy yours – and I’m waiting for round two on the Monteray Colonial! As for the toile, it is set for a friend’s yet to be purchased cottage in Maine – it is guiding the entire decorating vision.
Aha! I am mixing you up with another blog! Even then; it was such a thrill to see my bedroom in one of my favorite blogs!!
The lady in Crete found me in another blog!