Unfortunately there was no luck on the Asian goods. As you might expect, the house was full of heavy Victorian furniture, like this massive Renaissance Revival bookcase and velvet covered chair.
Less expected perhaps, although less so on reflection, was this. Need a buffalo head anyone?
Most of the more valuable items were traditional antiques. There were a few tables covered in Wedgwood Jasperware, including this rare domed cheese dish. There were many other tables full of crystal and china.
All of those giant bookcases were full of books. Even though I have taught my daughters not to judge a book by its cover, I am definitely weighing books for their physical appearance these days. I want my bookshelf here in Ocean Grove, which I have yet to find by the way, to be visually beautiful. That being said, I don’t want a bunch of fake things picked just for their appearance so I do try to pick up classics and others things that sound like they might be interesting to page through. I am sure my husband will be excited by Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln.
My house has no coat closet in the front so I have been keeping an eye open for a coat/hat rack. I had been thinking about a Thonet bentwood style, but stumbled across this simple Mission oak one at the sale. I think it will do to hold an occasional sweater and sun hats, if only it would warm up and stop raining, that is.
I also picked up a little silver plate and glass condiment basket to add to my bits and bobs of antique silver. There is nothing like the patina of old silver.
And no groaning, those of you who are bored with this topic, but for those who aren’t, I got this mid size glass fishing float for ten bucks. You know how sad I was to leave my big ones behind in Tokyo, but I think I can ft this one into my tiny bathroom. To give a sense of its relative size, I have put a few of my tiny ones into the photo. Still searching for the perfect basket or container for those, so styled photos yet to come!
Rumour has it everything will be half price tomorrow. Let me know if you want me to run back and get the buffalo head!
LOVE estate sales. One of my most interesting childhood memories is going to Graham Kerr’s (The Galloping Gourmet, if you remember) estate sale on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, which was close to my grandparents’ home. My grandparents enjoyed auctions and antiquing. I think we took my grandaddy’s boat to get to the sale – Kerr’s house must have been on the river, too. The day was warm and sunshiny – I think my parents bought the small wood child-size chairs that my sister and I used for many years.
I’ll pass on the buffalo head, though. Thanks for reminding me of that happy day.
I missed out on some kid sized wicker chairs…would have been perfect for the porch. And everything was somewhat overpriced – not like the estate sales of old!
You’re so lucky to have the sales in the US comparable to shrine sales in Japan. i’ll so miss the shrine sales when we leave, although i think i can fit in three or four more before we finally leave, but nothing too big as our sea container was packed and ready for shipping tge day after we left for Bali!
I desperately want to pick up something whike we arein Bali, could kick myself for not buying a beautiful batik in Ubud, i thought i’d learned to go with my heart 🙁
Looking forward to you sharing more treasures from over there.
There have to be antique markets in Belgium?!? Or just jump on the train and head to Vanves or Les Puces in Paris….it doesn’t get better than that!
Have a great last few outings and I am looking forward to photos and news on the house and your life in Belgium!